Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (2024)

Cooking with kidsis a fun way to spend time together! Cooking together in the kitchen is quality time with learning, skill development, and has a tasty reward. Kids love to create new concoctions in the kitchen and may be more willing to try new foods. We made this Overnight Egg Strata Recipe together one afternoon and then enjoyed our breakfast on a lazy Saturday. This easy egg strata recipe would be a great addition to holiday mornings or even breakfast for dinner!

Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (1)

Overnight Egg Strata Recipe

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We made this egg strata recipe as a new recipe to us. As part of our Cooking With Kids A-Z series, we needed an egg recipe. (If you haven’t been following along with our series, we’ve been cooking our way through the alphabet. Every two weeks, we’re cooking up a new recipe. This week is E is for Eggs and our egg strata recipe was just the thing to make! We’ve never made this recipebefore, but it is one of the Aunts’ go-to breakfast recipes for holidays, special events, or lazy mornings. It’s been posted on the blog before, but this Aunt has never made it (or tried it, actually!) so we decided it was the perfect recipe for our E is for Egg week!

Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (2)

This is such an easy recipe to throw together. If you need an amazing breakfast casserole for Easter or Mother’s Day (or Christmas or any day!), this is the one to make.

It took us maybe an hour to put together –including the time it takes for kiddos to chop, dice, and toss–so average time to make would probably be closer to 20 minutes. BUT, cooking with the kids really gets them involved and learning in the kitchen.

Start with 10 slices of bread. Chop them up into crouton-sized squares. We used whole wheat bread, but any type would do. This would even be an excellent way to use up day old bread.

Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (3)

Once the bread is chopped, place half of it in the base of a large casserole dish. Don’t forget to spray with cooking spray first.

Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (4)

Chop any vegetables. We used red, yellow, and green peppers, but this recipe would be amazing with mushrooms, tomatoes, asparagus, spinach, or any veggies you have on hand.

Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (5)

Cut slices of ham into pieces. You could substitute the ham with sausage or bacon. I love the versatility of this recipe! Side-note: Using kitchen shears to cut the ham steaks is perfect for school-aged kids. They can easily cut ham into pieces while strengthening their hand muscles at the same time. I love (Amazon affiliate link) these kitchen shearsOvernight Egg Strata Recipe (6)(incidentally, a gift from one of the Aunts!) for all snipping in the kitchen!

Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (7)

Chop up the veggies into small pieces. Children can use a safetykids’ knifeOvernight Egg Strata Recipe (8)to cut vegetables while becoming more confident and safer in their knife use while cooking. Be sure to provide adult supervision.

Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (9)

Over the bread pieces, layer: vegetables, ham, half of the cheese, and the remaining chopped bread pieces.

Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (10)

Sprinkling the cheese was a huge hit!

Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (11)

Next comes the egg cracking part. My kids LOVE cracking eggs. Its a messy job…and there are ALWAYS eggs dripped on the counter tops…but they love it.

Stir together 10 eggs and 2 cups of milk in a large bowlOvernight Egg Strata Recipe (12).

Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (13)

Mix well.

Pour the egg/milk mixture over the casserole ingredients. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top.

Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (14)

Place the covered strata overnight in the refrigerator. Pull it out in the morning and bake at 350 degrees F for 35-40 minutes. It is delicious and makes the house smell amazing. My girls and I enjoyed eating our strata together as we talked about making it the day before.

Overnight Egg Strata Breakfast:

10 slices of white bread cubed

1 cup mushrooms (or any vegetables) chopped

1 small green pepper chopped

16 oz shredded cheddar cheese

1 ham steak cubed

8 eggs

2 cups milk

Spray a 9×13″ pan with non-stick spray.

Place half of the cubed bread on the bottom of the pan.

Sprinkle the veggies and then top with half of the cheese. Next, layer bread and ham and top with the remainder of the cheese.Mix the milk and eggs, make sure to whisk well.Pour the egg mixture over the cheese. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Bake covered at 350 degrees F for 35-40 minutes. Remove the cover for the last 10-15 minutes to get the cheese looking golden.

Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (15)

This post is part of theCooking with Kids ABC series.

Be sure to try our other cooking with kids recipes:

Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (16)Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (17)Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (18)Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (19)

A is for Apple Dumplings Recipe

B is for Banana Cheesecake Bites

C is for Carrot Veggie Puffs Recipe

D is for Dough recipe

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Overnight Egg Strata Recipe (2024)


Do you have to refrigerate strata overnight? ›

The casserole is covered and refrigerated overnight to allow the liquid ingredients to be absorbed into the bread. This is a perishable mixture and should be cooked the morning or day after assembly.

How long can strata soak? ›

Success Tip: Start Breakfast Strata Overnight

It's common to prep the casserole the night before so the eggs soak into the bread. If you can't do overnight, as short as 1 hour works in a pinch.

What's the difference between a breakfast casserole and a strata? ›

Strata is otherwise known as “the breakfast casserole that your overnight guests will think you toiled away on all morning when in reality, you simply whipped it up the night before and just popped in the oven.” “Strata” is much shorter. Stratas are egg casseroles made with bread—lots of it.

Can you make a strata 2 days ahead? ›

Fresh from the oven, this strata top has crispy, crunchy bits while the middle is warm, soft, and custard-like, providing a fantastic texture. Pro-Tip: The strata can be prepared and baked up to two days in advance and reheated the morning of.

What is the difference between strata and quiche? ›

A quiche is baked in a flaky pie crust-style pastry shell. An egg custard prepared without this crust is also known as a frittata. A strata, on the other hand, is an egg custard that's baked with layers of bread inside.

Can you leave egg mixture in fridge overnight? ›

Serve eggs and food prepared using eggs immediately after cooking, or refrigerate and use within three to four days. For entertaining, serve all egg dishes within two hours. Cold egg dishes and beverages should be kept on ice.

Can I freeze egg strata? ›

Unfortunately as the strata contains what is effectively a savoury egg custard it does not freeze well either before or after baking. However you could probably assemble it up to 48 hours before it is needed, if this helps with your planning a little.

Can egg bake sit out overnight? ›

How Long Can an Egg Casserole Sit Out? Once again, according to the handy FDA guide, the easy overnight breakfast casserole should not sit out after baking for more than 2 hours.

How long can I keep an uncooked egg casserole in the fridge? ›

At this point, you can either bake it right away or refrigerate the casserole overnight and for up to 24 hours. During this time, the flavors mingle together and the bread has a chance to soak up some of the liquid and flavor.

What are the three types of strata? ›

Strata properties fall into one of three main categories: residential, commercial or mixed use. Each has its own rules and considerations.

What country did strata originate from? ›

Which is healthier, frittata or quiche? ›

While often compared to quiche, a frittata is a healthier option because it doesn't have a crust. The benefits are a lot like those of an omelet. At home, you can pile on vegetables and control the amount of oil you use to make it even healthier.

Can beaten eggs be refrigerated overnight? ›

If you happened to have some lightly–beaten eggs that you haven't gotten around to using, they'll keep for up to two days stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

How do you reheat egg casserole without overcooking? ›

The best way to is to cover it and put it into a cold oven. Covering the top will trap the steam in and keep it moist while it reheats. Set the oven temperature to 350°F and heat it to an internal temperature 165°F. Use an instant read thermometer to check that the it has reached a food safe temperature.

Can strata be served at room temperature? ›

The strata will emerge from the oven puffed and gorgeous, then deflate. It can be served piping hot or at room temperature.

Can you leave breakfast casserole out overnight? ›

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) food and safety basics states cooked food can be left at room temperature up to two hours. If the temperature outside (or inside your house) is 90°F or above, you should cut that time in half.

How long does it take for a refrigerated casserole to come to room temperature? ›

How long does it take a refrigerated casserole to come to room temp? Depending on the size of the dish and the density of its contents, it takes about an hour for to come up to room temperature. Add more time for a larger pan or one with dense contents.

Why do casseroles have to sit overnight? ›

Casseroles are at their best when the ingredients are able to meld, which is why they often taste even better the second day.

How do you store frittata overnight? ›

After baking the eggs, allow them to cool completely. Then cover the dish and transfer it to the fridge or freezer. If you plan to freeze the cooked frittata, make sure to thaw it completely before reheating. The eggs can be reheated in the oven or microwave.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.