The disgusting truth about where your hair extensions come from (2024)

To find out more about the world of human hair extensions, just take a peek at your shower plug hole on wash day.

The silky locks you see in beauty shops and on the heads of celebrities actually have more in common with the matted strands you begrudgingly pull from your drains than you think.

Certified trichologist Afsennah shared a TikTok detailing her discovery, saying: ‘You know that most affordable human hair extensions come from city drains?

‘That’s right. In India, workers actually collect hair from public drains and plug holes. They clean and treat this hair, making it look nice and shiny. But the truth is, it’s not virgin hair.’

Afsennah’s video – which has racked up 477,000 views – showed video footage of this process, sparking strong reactions from followers.

A number of people tagged friends or replied with shocked and disgusted emojis, while @sofiafearnley1 commented: ‘Think it’s time I put mine in the bin.’


the truth about extensions😟 not only is this disgusting, its also really bad for your scalp and hair! Using hair extensions for too long can cause hairloss and scalp issues. I know its hard if you have thin broken hair, ive been tbhere, but if you use the right treatment and are consistent you will see results! So lets take care of your scalp and hair 🫶🏼❤️#hairtransformation #hairextensions #hairgrowthjourney #hairtips #fakehair #hairtok #fyl #fyp

♬ original sound – 𝐀𝐟𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐡- Trichologist

Before you do the same and chuck out your favourite clip-ins, it’s worth noting that not all extensions are created this way.

According to a BBC investigation into the topic, hair taken from drains and combs tends to be marketed as ‘standard’ rather than ‘Remy’ or ‘virgin’.

However, Emma Tarlo, author of Entanglement: The Secret Lives of Hair, says there’s a lot of mystery surrounding the industry, adding: ‘Quite a lot of mislabelling goes on and often the people buying it don’t ask questions anyway.’

So-called waste hair is sourced by companies from public drains or sold to manufacturers by women who save up their strands after brushing. They’re typically paid around 80p for a bundle that could take years to collect.

From there, it goes to untangling workshops in Bangladesh, India or Myanmar, where workers spend hours painstakingly sorting the hairballs based on length so it can be sent to brokers.

Human hair is graded by those working in processingfrom A to AAAAAAAA based on length, but this isn’t formally regulated. There’s also no universal regulation system used by all retailers to check the quality of the hair or where it was sourced.

That’s why it’s so important to do your homework if you’re considering extensions.

GennaroDell’Aquila, founder of GA Salons, tells ‘Reputable companies and suppliers adhere to strict guidelines to ensure their products are safe, ethical, and of high quality, distancing themselves from any practices that would compromise these standards.

‘Collecting hair from drains would present major hygiene risks, such as bacteria, mould, and other contaminants.’

Hair extensions glossary

To help you untangle the confusing world of hair extensions, to Millie Doughty, buyer atCapital Hair and Beauty, has shared the meaning of some common terms you might encounter when purchasing.

Remy: ‘Remy hair is essentially the process of preserving human hair, ensuring that the roots and tips all align in the same direction. That way, you don’t get those annoying tangles or mats because the cuticles are all lined up nicely. It tends to be more expensive due to the extra care it gets during processing to keep the cuticle intact and undamaged.

‘When it comes to Remy hair, it’s all about that smooth, shiny, and healthy look compared to non-Remy. The hair feels amazing even after several washes and tends to be long-lasting and easy to work with.’

Virgin: ‘Virgin hair is basically human hair in its purest form – untouched by any chemicals. That means no dyeing, perming, or any other kind of chemical processing. It’s basically as natural as it gets!

‘When you get quality hairextensionsmade from virgin hair, you can expect it to feel super soft, silky, and just like the real deal.Unlike synthetic hair, it won’t have that overly shiny look, and it behaves just like your own hair when it comes to styling, colouring, and other treatments.‘

Synthetic: ‘Synthetic hair extensions are crafted from different synthetic fibres and don’t contain any actual human hair. Essentially, it’s plastic material designed to mimic the appearance of real hair.

‘While synthetic hair doesn’t handle heat styling or colouring as well as human hair does, it’s still a popular choice because it’s a more budget-friendly option and has the ability to keep a style intact for longer – be it curly, wavy or straight – without much care.

‘Typically, synthetic hair extensions can hold up for several months, whereas human hair extensions last for years if you take care of them.’

Additionally, because the hair comes from multiple sources at different times, even if the hair is clean you may find it tangles easier or doesn’t look natural.

So what can you do? Alongside sticking to established and widely trusted retailers and specialists, ask them where they source their human hair from: Was it collected from multiple sources or a single donor? Was the collection safe, ethical and clean? How has the hair been processed?

Make sure to consider whether permanent extensions are the right choice for you, too, as they may require a lot of upkeep.

‘Potential downsides include the risk of hair damage if not applied or maintained properly, especially with methods that involve heat or glue,’ says Gennaro.

‘There’s also a commitment to maintenance and the cost, as high-qualityextensionsand professional application can be an investment.

‘On the bright side,extensionscan be great for changing up your look, adding volume, or length. But, like anything, they need proper care and the right application.’

Clip-in extensions can be a good alternative if you’re not ready for long-term commitment just yet. As with permanent options, though, it’s best not to skimp on a new set – that is unless you don’t mind wearing the remnants of a gutter on your head.

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The disgusting truth about where your hair extensions come from (2024)


Where do hair extensions really come from? ›

While there is an exception to every rule, most human hair extensions come from live human beings, collected mostly in India (especially southern India), Malaysia, Cambodia, and China.

Do hair extensions come from sewers? ›

Yes, you read it right – sewerage! The dead hair is detangled, cleaned, treated with chemicals and silicone to make it shinier and sometimes it is even mixed with animal hair before turning it into extensions.

What is the biggest problem with hair extensions? ›

Because a weave or extensions often require women to wear their natural hair tightly pulled, this can be tough on hair. The constant pulling can cause strands of hair to break or fall out, and it could damage your hair follicles.

What are the negative of hair extensions? ›

The main disadvantage of permanent hair extensions is the potential damage they could cause to your own hair. They can weigh down your own locks, as well as be uncomfortable and cause irritation.

Where is bellami hair sourced from? ›

Bellami sources hair from different regions around the world to provide a variety of options to customers. Bellami extensions made from human hair are commonly sourced from countries such as India, Brazil, Russia, and other parts of Asia and Europe.

What race buys the most weave? ›

African Americans make up around 70% of the consumer base for hair weave products in the United States. The market for hair weaves in Europe is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.1% during 2020-2025.

Does fake hair come from drains? ›

Standard Hair is a type of extension hair that is gathered from numerous sources, bundled together, processed, and then packaged for sale. More often than not, Standard Hair will have been collected from undesirable sources such as hair brushes, salon floors, drain plugs and other questionable sources.

Which country has the best human hair? ›

Myanmar stands as one of the top three global suppliers of human hair for the wig market. Bone straight hair sourced from Myanmar primarily comprises the hair of local women, known for its inherent qualities of shine and silkiness, making it a sought-after choice in the industry.

What is the healthiest hair extension method? ›

Nolan adds that tape-in extensions are a great option because they have one of the least damaging installation and removal techniques. “You can wear tape-in extensions for several weeks and as the tape-in extensions age, they are easier to remove due to the weakening adhesive,” she says.

How can you tell if someone has extensions? ›

Check the shine of the hair. Human hair extensions will have a natural shine, while synthetic hair extensions will often have a more artificial shine. Pay attention to the way the hair moves. Human hair extensions will move and flow naturally, while synthetic hair extensions may move in a more stiff or unnatural way.

Who is not a good candidate for hair extensions? ›

You are not a good candidate for hair extensions if you: Want very low maintenance hair. Are not willing to come to the salon for maintenance. Do not use extremely high quality cleansing products for your hair.

What extensions do the Kardashians use? ›

With Kim, there's no limit as to what extensions she uses – that's including clip-ins and weft hair extensions. Also known as beaded style extensions, weft extensions are root-stretched and applied to one's natural hair to give length and volume without making it look like the real thing.

Why is my hair so thin after extensions? ›

Unfortunately with repeated use, hair extensions can cause your hair to become thinner by putting serious and/or sustained pressure on your hair follicles. Over time, this action causes the hair follicle to stop producing hair, leading to small bald patches.

Do all celebrities wear hair extensions? ›

Privacy: Some celebrities wear hair extensions or weaves as a way to maintain their privacy and avoid paparazzi attention when they are out in public. It's worth noting that not all celebrities wear hair extensions or weaves, and some may choose to wear them only occasionally for specific events or projects.

Do hair extensions come from animals? ›

Most of the hair extensions sold comes from China and sold by beauty supply stores. The Hair sold are synthetic, Animal and acid processed, Cuticle stripped, silicone coated Non-Remy hair which falls apart in a few washes.

What are real hair extensions made of? ›

Typically, hair extensions are either made from human hair or they're synthetic. Human hair extensions are exactly that. They're made using real hair from a person, which has been donated. Synthetic hair extensions have been made using various synthetic fibres and contain no real hair from a human.

Are hair extensions made of horse hair? ›

Animal hair extensions consist of yak or horse hair. Using yak hair has been popular for a long time especially for weaves and in the African American community. Horse hair has also been popular with certain parts of the population. Yak and horse hair may actually look better in some cases than synthetic hair.

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